- Boutros S, Kattash M, Baer S, Shenaq S. Intradermal Anatomy of the Inframammary Fold. Presented at the Texas Society of Plastic Surgery, November 8, 1997.
- Boutros S, Weinfeld AB, Nath R, Mackinnon SE. Transfer Nerve to Flexor Carpi Ulnaris to Pronator Teres: Inter-neural Anatomy. Presented at American Association of Reconstructive Microsurgeons Scottsdale, Arizona, January 1998.
- A Weinfeld, E. Yuksel, S. Wamsley, J. Jesnsen, S. Boutros, R. Cleek, A. Mikos, M. Spira, SM Shenaq. In-vivo Long Term Delivery of Insulin and IGF Using Biodegradable Microspheres for the Improvement of Free Fat Graft Survival. 39th Annual National Student Research Forum, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, April 1998.
- Klebuc, E.Yuksel, A. Weinfeld, S. Boutros, R. Cleek, S. Shenaq, S. Spira. Improvement of Free Fat Graft Survival: in-vivo Long Tern Delivery of IGF and Insulin Using PLGA/PEG Microspheres. Sixteenth Annual Scientific Program. The Lipoplasty Society, Inc. Oct 2-3, 1998.
- A Weinfeld, S Boutros, E. Yuksel, E. Alford. D. Netscher. Neural Anatomy of the Radial Forearm Free Flap. Texas Society of Plastic Surgery, 1998 Annual Scientific Meeting. Galveston, TX November 1998.
- S Boutros, A Weinfeld, E. Yuksel, D. Netscher. Neural Anatomy of the Radial Forearm Flap. American Association of Reconstructive Microsurgery. Waikoloa, Hawaii, January 1999.
- Boutros S, Bernard RW, Galiano RD, Addona T, Stokes B, McCarthy JG. The temporal sequence of periosteal attachment after elevation. Presented at the Plastic Surgery Research Council, Boston, May 2002.
- Boutros S, Bernard RW, Galiano RD, Addona T, Stokes B, McCarthy JG. The temporal sequence of periosteal attachment after elevation. Presented at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting, Las Vegas, April 2002.
- Boutros S, Thorne C. The role of hyoid bone manipulation in neck rejuvenation: and anatomic study and a warning. Presented at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting, Boston May 2003.
- Boutros Closed Reduction and Fluoroscopic assisted Percutaneous Stabilization of Displace Subcondylar Mandible Fractures. Presented at ASPS meeting, Philadelphia October 2004.
- Boutros S, Cutting C, Hogan M. The Hogan Lateral Port Control Pharyngeal Flap: a 30 year review. Presented at the American Cleft Palate Association meeting, Myrtle Beach, April 2005
- Boutros S, McCarthy JG, Grayson B. Mandibular morphology and cranial base constriction in Apert, Crouzon, and Pfieffer syndromes. Presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Chicago, September, 2005.
- Boutros Mandibular Distraction. Presented at the Southern India Society of Plastic Surgery Meeting. May, 2006.
- Boutros Ear Reconstruction. Presented at the Southern India Society of Plastic Surgery Meeting. May, 2006.
- Boutros Craniofacial Distraction. Presented at the Indian Society of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery meeting. February, 2007.
- Boutros Ear Reconstruction. Indian Society of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery meeting. February, 2007.
- Boutros Plastic Surgery 21st Century. National Conference of Mexican Women Entrepreneurs. Monterrey, Mexico. April 2007.
- Boutros Mandibular Distraction. National Conference of Tecnologico de Monterrey. Monterrey, Mexico. November 2007.
- Boutros Mandibular Distraction; Inception to Endoscopic. Universidad de Guadalajara. Jalisco, Mexico. September 2008.
- Boutros Grafts in Rhinoplasty. Rodeo Rhinoplasty meeting. Houston, Texas. March 2009.
- Boutros Secondary Rhinoplasty. Rodeo Rhinoplasty meeting. Houston, Texas. March 2009
- Boutros Microtia. International Cleft & Craniofacial Society meeting. Fortaleza, Brazil. September 2009.
- Boutros Treatment of Dorsal Deformity. Rodeo Rhinoplasty meeting. Houston, Texas. March 2010.
- Boutros Developing a Successful Breast Reconstruction Team. Presented at the American College of Surgeons 96th Annual Clinical Congress meeting. Washington, DC. October 2010.
- Boutros Breast Reconstruction and Postoperative Monitoring. Presented at the Methodist Hospital Nursing Symposium. Houston, Texas. October 2010.
- Boutros S. Fractional laser resurfacing for facial burn scarring in Fitzpatrick 4 and 5 patients. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting. Dallas, Texas. March 2011.
- Boutros S. 2nd International Meeting on Aesthetic and Reconstructive Facial Surgery. Kos, Greece. September 2011.
- Boutros S. 2nd International Meeting on Aesthetic and Reconstructive Facial Surgery. Kos, Greece. September 2011.
- Boutros Medical Missions. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. August 2014.
- Boutros S. Double venous system drainage in DIEP Flaps. Plastic Surgery Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. October 2014.
- Boutros Brave is beautiful. Breast Health Collaborative of Texas. Houston, Texas. September 2014.
- Boutros How to simplify DIEP in 4 minutes. Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Atlanta, Georgia. January 2015.
- Boutros Use of long acting liposomal local anesthesia. Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Atlanta, Georgia. January 2015.
- Boutros Scar treatment with autologous fat grafting and fractional erbium laser resurfacing. American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. Kissimmee, Florida. April 2015.

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