My Houston Surgeons Health Update

April 29th, 2020 | News

With the new guidelines issued by the Governor of Texas, we want to ensure you that we are continuing our efforts
to reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus by following the current CDC guidelines, which includes the
continuation of wearing masks in our offices.

For the safety of our patients, providers, and staff, we ask if you are ill or have been exposed to the COVID-19
virus, please alert us and we will reschedule your appointment or surgery.

We need your assistance, patience, and cooperation as we navigate through these unprecedented times. We are
asking the following of all our patients:

– If you are a new patient, you must fill out new patient paperwork through the patient portal prior to
arrival for your appointment, or we will not be able to see you. If you need assistance with this,
please call 713-791-0700 at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time.

– Existing patients, please notify our staff prior to arrival when making an appointment of any changes in your information (address, phone number, email, insurance information).

– When you arrive in the parking lot, call 713-791-0700 to notify us. You will be asked to remain in
your car until you receive a call or text message alerting you to enter the building.

– You will be required to wear your own mask or something that will cover your mouth/nose. We will
not be distributing masks.

– If it is essential to bring a visitor to assist you (such as with our post-operative patients who need assistance walking), only one will be allowed per patient. We highly encourage no visitors during this time. We are happy to virtually connect with anyone during your visit.

– No children will be allowed unless the child is the patient.

– You may endure longer than normal waiting times as we ensure that we are practicing measures to
keep everyone safe, such as social distancing. Please be prepared for this when making your
schedules for your appointment or surgery day.

We are still connecting with our patients virtually and if you prefer to visit with our physicians via that route, please
let our staff members know when you call to make an appointment. Thank you for your patience and assistance in helping limit the impact of this virus within our clinical care setting
and community.

The Physicians and Staff members at My Houston Surgeons