How Can I Get Rid of Abdominal Stretch Marks?

September 26th, 2017 | Body - Surgical, Skincare

Are you embarrassed to wear a bikini because you don’t want people to see the stretch marks on your stomach? These stretch marks can form on any region of the body, but the most notable location is on the abdomen. Women who are pregnant or have carried a child are particularly at risk for abdominal…

Scared of Scars? Five Expert Tips to Recovering Post-Surgery

January 9th, 2017 | Body - Surgical, Face - Surgical, Skincare

Recovering Post Surgery: Most scars have an interesting story to tell. However, when scars appear due to a cosmetic surgical procedure, most patients would prefer to keep them discreet. What’s the point of enhancing the face, abdomen, or breasts if people will see the scars, right? As much as possible, cosmetic surgery patients would rather…