Breast Augmentation Myths Debunked

April 20th, 2016 | Breast

Breast Augmentation Myths: Would you love larger breasts, but worry about certain things you’ve heard about breast augmentation? The good news is, many of the negative myths surrounding this popular procedure are completely untrue. Learn the truth about breast augmentation, and then decide for yourself if it is right for you. If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, call our offices and schedule a consultation.

Breast Augmentation Myth #1 – Your Breasts Will Look Fake After Implants

You likely know several women with breast implants without even realizing it. This procedure is very common and, when done under the care of an experienced board certified surgeon such as those here at MHS, results are extremely natural looking. Much of the time, you would never guess that a woman has implants unless she told you herself.

Breast Augmentation Myth #2 – You Can’t Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation

Some women wait to have breast augmentation until they’re finished having children because they worry they will be unable to breastfeed with implants. The truth is, many women can and do successfully breastfeed after breast augmentation. If you’re young and want larger breasts now, don’t wait. You can enhance your appearance now and breastfeed your children later.

Breast Augmentation Myth #3 – Saline Implants Are the Best Type of Breast Implants

When it comes to implants, you’ve got options. Saline, silicone, and cohesive gel silicone implants are all excellent options for breast augmentation. Each unique type of implant has its own benefits. In some cases, we’ll have a strong recommendation towards a specific implant type. Other women can opt for the type they are most comfortable with. We’ll help you choose the right implants for a look you love.

Breast Augmentation Myth #4 – Implants Leak and Require Constant Care and Maintenance

Today’s breast implants are some of the best yet, as they are incredibly strong and long lasting. There is a chance of future leakage with all implants, but the risk is relatively low. If your implants do leak at some point, they are easily replaced. A leak in saline implants is spotted quickly, as the affected breast will deflate. Simple imaging tests can spot leaks in silicone implants. For the most part, breast implants are incredibly low maintenance.

Learn more—call and schedule your breast augmentation consultation today.