What is Vidian Neurectomy?

A vidian neurectomy is a type of nerve block which involves either severing or removing the vidian nerve and is used to provide relief for patients with chronic rhinitis. Chronic rhinitis is characterized by the inflammation of the lining of the nose, which causes symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, itching and runny nose.

The vidian nerve, when stimulated, can increase the body’s secretory activity and vasodilation, leading to an increase in rhinitis symptoms. By severing the vidian nerve, a vidian neurectomy can reduce or eliminate chronic rhinitis symptoms and offer lasting relief to patients.

Because of the complex nature of a vidian neurectomy, it is typically only used on patients who have severe or debilitating rhinitis symptoms (chronic sneezing, running nose, etc.) for which other treatments have not worked. Not only is the vidian nerve anatomically difficult to reach, it is also situated around many important structures. For this reason, the procedure requires a high level of surgical skill.

Benefits of a Vidian Neurectomy

  • Relief from Chronic Sinusitis
  • Easier breathing
  • Elimination of a runny nose and chronic cough

man sneezing into elbow

The Vidian Neurectomy Procedure

During a transnasal vidian neurectomy, the nasal passage is first decongested with lignocaine and adrenaline. The surgeon then makes an incision in the nasal wall and removes the ethmoidal crest (the bony element that provides structure to the nose) to expose the foramen in the skull that connects the nasal cavity with a small space of the face where the vidian nerve is located. The surgeon then widens the foramen and uses a probe to reach the vidian nerve before cauterizing it. Often, a rehearsal nerve block is performed before a patient’s actual neurectomy to determine efficacy and side effects. During the rehearsal and procedure, a patient is under general anesthesia.

If you think a vidian neurectomy may be the answer for you, contact us to consult with one of our sinus surgeons so they can determine a course of treatment that will work for you and your symptoms. Call us at (713) 791-0070 or email us at team@myhoustonsurgeons.com.


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