What is Endoscopic Mandibular Distraction?
Distraction, or distraction osteogenesis, is a process by which new bone is formed via the gradual stretching of existing bones. With endoscopic mandibular distraction, the bone is cut, a device is applied, and this device slowly separates the two bony ends. The gap that is gradually created fills with new bone formation. This exciting advance in surgery was first applied to the lengthening of lower extremity bones by a physician named Ilizarov. Ilizarov’s lengthening was generally performed in association with traumatic injuries to the lower extremities via complex external fixation devices. In the craniofacial skeleton, distraction works extremely well as the bones of the craniofacial skeleton heal both strongly and rapidly. Furthermore, complications which are commonly seen in the lower extremity, such as infection, non-union or fibrous union, are rarely seen in the craniofacial skeleton where the bone healing is much more vigorous.
Endoscopic Mandibular Distraction Procedure
The scars resulting from endoscopic mandibular distraction are located inside the mouth, providing excellent concealment. Furthermore, our minimally-invasive technique provides enhanced bony regeneration of the mandible, while the activation arm of the device (the mechanism used to move the device), is located below the chin through a small incision, which is easily concealed after the procedure.
Benefits of Endoscopic Mandibular Distraction
The procedure can provide:
- Minimally invasive treatment to distraction
- Excellently concealed scars
- Rapid recovery