Why Otoplasty
Otoplasty results benefit a patient’s overall appearance. The procedure corrects protruding, disproportionate, and asymmetrical ears. Typically, the procedure takes about two to three hours to perform and often only results in mild discomfort. If you are hesitant because of scarring, you don’t have to worry. Our skilled surgeons place the surgical scars so they are often hidden behind the ear or in natural creases of the ear, so they usually go unnoticed. After both a traditional and reconstructive otoplasty, most patients typically experience a significant increase in confidence and their quality of life.
Who is a Candidate for Otoplasty?
As one of the most noticeable features on the face, it’s difficult to keep ears from being seen. Growing long hair, wearing hats, and boycotting earrings can only do so much to diminish their outward appearance. This is why cosmetic ear surgery is a great option for those who are uncomfortable with the shape or size of their ears.
Candidates for this surgery must be in good health, without active diseases, who don’t have any serious medical conditions or smoke. For children, the acceptable age is around five years old, ensuring their ear has fully developed and is stable enough to handle correction.