Kybella® Procedure
Kybella® uses synthetic deoxycholic acid—a naturally occurring molecule in the human body that aids in the breakdown/absorption of fat. Once injected into the skin below the chin, the medicine destroys excess fat cells, reducing the fullness under the chin. Additionally, once treated with Kybella®, these cells no longer have the capacity to store fat, so once your aesthetic goal is met, no further treatments are required.
This treatment consists of a trained physician injecting small amounts of the medicine in multiple points below the chin. The number of injections vary by patient. This process typically only takes fifteen to twenty minutes and is performed as an in-office cosmetic procedure. The number of treatments necessary also depends on the patient—their desired aesthetic outcome as well as the amount of fat present in their chin. Treatments are administered one month apart, and can be given up to six times.
Kybella® Before & After

Benefits of Kybella®
The procedure can:
- Improve the look of the chin
- Give patients a more aesthetic profile
- Make you appear younger
Kybella® Recovery
After a Kybella® treatment, patients may experience bruising, swelling, redness, or numbness of the injection area. These symptoms often dissipate quickly, leaving patients with an improved appearance shortly after the procedure. Patients are able to return to normal daily activity almost immediately.