CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Recovery
Your recovery time will depend on the depth and intensity of your CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing procedure. Most patients report feeling like they have a mild sunburn on the treated areas. You can expect to have some swelling and redness, and you may experience stinging or itching sensations for several days following your procedure. These symptoms can be greatly reduced by using our CO2 Laser Post Procedure Skincare Kit, especially developed for our CO2 Laser patients by My Houston Surgeons.
However, every patient is unique; for those that opt for extensive skin resurfacing, it’s possible that your skin may present with what looks like a severe sunburn. Your skin could be raw and might blister. This is normal and not a cause for concern. Some patients find that their treatment site oozes a yellowish liquid and forms a scab-like crust. It’s important that you do not pick at or scratch this crust because it can cause scarring.4
Approximately one week after CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing, your skin will become dry and peel and full results can be seen as early as a few weeks.5 We recommend waiting to resume the application of Retin-A and/or glycolic acid products until at least six weeks following your CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing procedure or as directed by your doctor. Full results of this powerful laser treatment, including elimination of fine, moderate, and deeper wrinkles as well as noticeable tightening of the skin can take up to 6-9 months to fully realize since the healing and age-reversing process takes place slowly at the cellular level.
In the weeks following your CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing procedures, the treated skin will peel off and reveal new, rejuvenated skin. This new skin will be pink in color at first, but will gradually lighten over the ensuing months. Most patients find their skin appears pink or red for anywhere from two to six months, however, it could take up to one year for the pinkness to completely dissipate.
Most patients find that they are very sensitive to sunlight anywhere for months following a CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing procedure and all the way up to one year. That’s why we strongly recommend minimizing any direct sun exposure and liberally applying sunscreen every day.