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Dysport® is an injectable facial cosmetic treatment that helps our patients achieve a marked reduction in the appearance of frown lines within days. The board-certified and board-eligible plastic surgeons at (My Houston Surgeons vs myHoustonSurgeons) regularly use Dysport to help patients at our Houston and The Woodlands offices appear more youthful and refreshed.studies have shown 97% of patients are satisfied with the results of their Dysport wrinkle reduction treatment.1

What is Dysport?

Dysport is a cosmetic injectable made from botulinum toxin type A, almost identical to Botox. This type of injectable treatment is known as a neuromodulator, which means that it temporarily reduces nerve signals to the muscles responsible for facial expression. With the nerve signals blocked, the muscles no longer contract, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles in the targeted area.2

Dysport is approved by the FDA to treat glabellar lines, which are the vertical lines that may appear between the eyebrows. Most of our patients refer to these as frown lines or eleven (11) lines.

Benefits of Dysport

Dysport injections offer many benefits to our patients, including:

  • Reduce the appearance of frown lines or eleven lines
  • A quick, comfortable procedure
  • No downtime
  • A high rate of patient satisfaction
  • Fast results that last up to 4 months

Dysport vs BOTOX

Dysport and BOTOX are similar in that they are both botulinum toxin injectables used for wrinkle reduction. One key difference between Dysport and BOTOX is the speed of the results. BOTOX injection results may not be visible for 7-10 days, while our patients typically see Dysport results within 2-3 days.3

The Dysport Procedure

Treatment with Dysport takes only a few minutes, and no anesthesia or patient preparation is necessary. After a brief consultation, with a surgeon injector, the patient simply reclines in a comfortable treatment chair while Dysport is injected using a fine needle.

Dysport Recovery and Results

No recovery is necessary after Dysport injections, though some patients may experience redness, swelling, bruising, or sensitivity at the injection sites. Patients usually begin to notice the results of their Dysport treatments within 2-3 days, and results last for up to 4 months.

Contact Us to Schedule a Personalized Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about how Dysport can help you reduce the appearance of frown lines and help you achieve a more refreshed look, contact us to schedule a consultation. We are proud to serve patients from Houston, The Woodlands, and surrounding areas.

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1 Molina B, Grangier Y, Mole B, Ribe N, Martín Diaz L, Prager W, Paliargues F, Kerrouche N. Patient satisfaction after the treatment of glabellar lines with Botulinum toxin type A (Speywood Unit): a multi-centre European observational study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015 Jul;29(7):1382-8. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12881. Epub 2014 Dec 12. PMID: 25495499. Available: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25495499/. Accessed October 25, 2022.

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Botulinum Toxin. Available: https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/botulinum-toxin. Accessed October 25, 2022.

3 Dysport Patient Information: https://www.dysportusa.com/what-is-dysport Data on file. MA-Y-97-52120-719 (GL-1) Clinical Study Report. Fort Worth, TX: Galderma Laboratories, L.P., 2007. Accessed October 25, 2022.


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