Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)

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Gynecomastia is a common medical condition found in men that causes the overdevelopment or enlargement of breast tissue in the chest area due to hormonal imbalance.1 This condition can be seen in men of any age and can often have a negative effect on self-esteem.2

Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Our board-certified and board-eligible plastic surgeons are proud to offer Male Breast Reduction or Reduction Mammaplasty to patients to improve natural chest contour and self-confidence. Gynecomastia surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces excess fat and glandular tissue from the patient’s breasts to create a more masculine chest. If the patient’s case of gynecomastia is severe and excess breast tissue causes the areola to sag or stretch, the surgeon can correct this during the surgery as well.

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

Male Breast Reduction is performed on an outpatient basis while the patient is under IV sedation. There are three different techniques used to treat gynecomastia. The treatment plan and surgical technique used depends on the patient’s unique anatomy, and the amount of excess tissue and fat present. Liposuction can be sufficient to treat patients that simply have excess pockets of fatty tissue in their breasts, whereas patients with extra skin or glandular tissue are treated through skin excision. Patients presenting with both fatty tissue and extra skin are typically treated with both liposuction and excision.

Liposuction Technique

Treating gynecomastia with liposuction involves the surgeon making a small incision and inserting a cannula (hollow, thin suction tube) through the breast tissue, moving the cannula back and forth to loosen fat, and then removing the fat through the incision sites with vacuum suction. This can be ideal for patients who only have excess fatty tissue.3 Liposuction leaves minimal scarring and takes less time to heal compared to excision.

Excision Technique

In order to correct more severe cases of gynecomastia, where patients have extra breast skin, the surgeon must use a surgical procedure to excise the excess skin or tissue through a surgical incision. If areola reduction or nipple repositioning is necessary, the surgeon will also use the excision technique, as it allows the surgeon to manipulate the size and position of both during the procedure.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat and glandular tissue in the chest area and can:

  • Reduce breast size in men
  • Improve chest contour and muscle definition
  • Reposition the nipple to a more aesthetically pleasing area
  • Restore confidence and body positivity
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after case
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after case
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after case

Gynecomastia Treatment Recovery & Results

After surgery, the surgeon will dress patient incisions in bandages and a support garment, also known as a compression garment, to help minimize swelling and support the new chest contour. In some rare cases, a drainage tube may be inserted under the skin to drain the excess blood and fluid from the incision sites. Most patients see immediate results, though some must wait until their swelling recedes to see the full results. Peak results (full-contour without swelling) are typically seen three to six months post-procedure. Reduction mammoplasty results are usually permanent. However, if a patient’s gynecomastia is the result of the overuse of prescription medication, steroids, or excessive weight gain, patients must refrain from these substances and remain at a stable weight to maintain results.

Quality Patient Care

Male patients who are self-conscious due to enlarged breasts can rest assured that our surgeons and the supporting staff at our practice are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and compassionate care for patients right from their initial consultation stage through recovery.

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1 MDText. Gynecomastia: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Available at: Accessed March 5, 2021.

2 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The psychological burden of idiopathic adolescent gynecomastia. Available at: Accessed March 5, 2021.


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