Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

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Over time, due to aging and gravity, breasts may droop or sag. A Breast Lift, otherwise known as a Mastopexy, is a popular breast surgery to tighten the skin of the upper breasts and remove excess tissue and fat to give patients a more youthful look. The procedure provides patients with a perkier shape, but does not add volume to the breasts.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Procedures

Our surgeons aim to reverse the aging effects that cause sagging breasts. We provide our patients with more symmetrical, shapely breasts through the careful removal of excess or sagging skin, reshaping of the remaining breast tissue, and then lifting the areola and nipple into a higher position. Additionally, Breast Lift surgery can reduce the size of large or stretched areolas, or be combined with breast augmentation with implants or a breast reduction, restoring a more youthful, contoured, naturally beautiful breasts.

Benefits of a Breast Lift

There are many benefits to Breast Lift surgery. This procedure can:

  • Lift sagging drooping breasts
  • Improve breast contours after significant weight loss
  • Provide a perkier shape
  • Reshape stretched nipples
  • Help a patient’s clothes fit better
  • Improve symmetry of breasts
  • Restore more youthful-looking breasts
  • Enhance the shape and size of breasts
  • Improve self-confidence
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What To Expect During Your Breast Lift Surgery

The major goal of a Mastopexy isn’t simply volume. It is to sculpt the breasts into the contours patients have always desired, or had but lost due to childbirth, weight loss or the natural effects of aging. There are a variety of ways our surgeons approach a Breast Lift. The surgical technique chosen is dependent on the patient’s body type and desired aesthetic outcomes. The technique used during your Breast Lift surgery ultimately depends on the extent of sagging, the size of your breasts, and the amount of excess tissue. Your MHS surgeon will use one of the surgical methods below based on your unique anatomy and cosmetic goals:

The “Donut” Lift: This technique uses a unique incision pattern known as a “periareolar incision.” This means that the incision extends around the perimeter of the areola, and is usually done for women with mild sagging.

The “Crescent” Lift: This technique uses a crescent-shaped incision around the upper half of the nipple where excess skin and fat is trimmed for a lifting effect. This is another great technique for women with minimal sagging.1

The “Lollipop” Lift: This technique is done using an incision encircling the areola with a vertical line going downward toward the breast crease. This is usually for women with more moderate to severe sagging who do not want implants.2

The “Anchor” Lift: For severe cases of sagging, the anchor lift is a good option. It’s similar to the lollipop incision except there’s also an incision at the breast crease along with the circular and vertical incision.3

Contact My Houston Surgeons For Breast Lift Surgery

If you have questions about Breast Lift surgery in Houston, call us today. We’d love to answer any questions you may have about this procedure and look forward to welcoming you to our office for your personal consultation.

Preparing For Breast Lift Surgery

When preparing for your Breast Lift surgery, it’s important to get a baseline mammogram before surgery and then another mammogram after your procedure to help detect any future changes in your breast tissue.4

It’s also essential that you stop smoking at least six months prior to your surgery, and avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and some herbal supplements. Finally, you’ll want to pre-arrange to have someone drive you to and from surgery and also plan to have someone stay with you for at least 24 hours following your surgery.

Breast Lift Recovery

It is typical to experience some swelling and soreness following Breast Lift surgery. Your MHS surgeon will prescribe pain medication to ensure your maximum comfort, and most of our patients feel comfortable enough to switch to Tylenol after two or three days.

The day of your surgery, you’ll be able to get up and move around, but we recommend that you take it easy for at least two days following your Breast Lift. We also recommend that you sleep on your back as much as possible for the first several weeks or more following your surgery. If you are normally a side or stomach sleeper, it’s wise to purchase some additional pillows to help keep in position on your back.

Many of our patients find that they can return to work and resume most daily activities one week after their Breast Lift surgery, however, you should plan to limit exercise other than walking for at least four weeks after your Breast Lift. Your surgeon will provide you with post-operative care instructions the day of your surgery with details about when it is safe to resume a wide range of activities.

You can expect any residual swelling and/or soreness to subside gradually over one or two months after your Breast Lift, and to be completely gone in roughly six months.

Breast Lift Results

It’s imperative that you follow your surgeon’s instructions following your Breast Lift surgery. It’s also critical that your surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, motion, or abrasion while healing. Your Breast Lift results will gradually improve over several months following your surgery as your new breast position and shape continue to settle.5 Your final results will be apparent in roughly six months once all swelling has subsided.

Your incision scars are permanent but they will fade over time.6 Your final Breast Lift results will be permanent but you can anticipate that your breasts will continue to change due to the natural effects of aging and gravity.

To maintain your new breast position and shape, it’s important that you keep a healthy lifestyle and maintain your weight.

Candidates For Breast Lift

Breast Lift candidates are typically women who are at a healthy, stable weight and do not smoke. In addition to having realistic expectations, good candidates for Breast Lift surgery are women who:

  • Desire higher, firmer breasts
  • Are looking to improve the symmetry of the breasts
  • Want more upper pole projection (fullness above the nipple)
  • Seek to improve nipple placement
  • Want to improve the position of the nipple and areola in relation to crease beneath the breast (inframammary fold)
  • Are looking for more youthful-looking breasts
  • Looking to improve the appearance of breasts following childbirth

FAQs About Breast Lift Surgery

Is Breast Lift surgery safe?

Yes. The Breast Lift is a common procedure, however, as with any invasive surgery there are some risks.

What are the risks of Breast Lift surgery?

Your MHS will discuss all possible risks and complications associated with Breast Lift surgery prior to your procedure. While rare, some of the risks associated with Breast Lift surgery include:

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Bleeding and/or hematoma
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Temporary or permanent loss of sensation in nipple and/or breast sensation
  • Breast contour irregularities
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Tissue necrosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary and cardiac complications

How long after giving birth should I wait to have a Breast Lift?

You should plan on waiting at least six months after childbirth or breastfeeding before having your Breast Lift surgery. The Breast Lift procedure is often included as part of mommy makeover surgery.

Will I be able to breastfeed after a Breast Lift?

You should still be able to breastfeed after your Breast Lift procedure, however, there is a small risk that your ability to breastfeed may be hampered. The diminished ability to breastfeed usually depends on the technique used, which your MHS surgeon will discuss at your consultation.

Trusted Source Icon - Checkbox Sources

1, 2, 3 American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Breast Lift Guide. Available at: Accessed December 17, 2020.

4 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. How should I prepare for breast lift surgery? Available at: Accessed December 17, 2020.

5, 6American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What results should I expect after breast lift surgery? Available at: Accessed December 17, 2020.


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