Breast Lift 411

October 3rd, 2016 | Breast

Here’s a fun fact: the number breast lift done yearly has actually increased by 70% in the last 15 years. As a procedure, breast lifts are catching up to breast augmentations in popularity; 2015 saw 99,614 breast lifts being completed. Still, breast lifts and breast augmentation are completely different animals; they’re so different you can even have both done at the same time!

Are you just a little bit curious about the breast lift and what makes it different? Keep reading to get the 411 on breast lifts:

What’s the Difference between a Breast Lift and Breast Implants?

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgery that trims excess skin and fat and tightens the skin to give breasts a lift. Breast lifts are for women who want their chest to have a more youthful, perkier shape. It’s not about volume— women seeking larger volume in their breasts usually turn to breast implants. Breast lifts are more about reversing the effects of sagging breasts, creating symmetry and perfecting shape.

Who Usually Gets a Breast Lift?

Breast lifts are perfect for women with tubular breasts; they can also assist women with stretched nipples or nipples that point downwards. It’s more than adding sheer size; breast lifts are about sculpting breasts into the contours you’ve always wanted.

As long as they’re not going to have a baby in the near future, any woman who want to improve their breast shape can have a breast lift.

So How Are They Done?

There are actually quite a few different ways to approach a breast lift:

  • The “donut” lift technique requires an incision pattern, the “periareolar incision,” that goes around the perimeter of the areola—usually done for women with mild sagging.
  • The “crescent” lift uses a crescent-shaped incision around the upper half of the nipple where excess skin and fat is trimmed for a lifting effect–another technique for women with minimal sagging.
  • The “lollipop” technique is done using an incision encircling the areola with a vertical line going downward toward the breast crease. This is usually for women with more moderate to severe sagging who do not want implants.
  • For severe cases of sagging, the “anchor” lift would be done. It’s similar to the lollipop incision except there’s also an incision at the breast crease along with the circular and vertical incision.

Thinking about getting a breast lift? It’s essential that you get it from a practice that offers a team of experienced, compassionate, and skilled plastic surgeons. Contact My Houston Surgeons now, for a breast lift consultation from their expert team.